How to have a transcript of a YouTube video

Rene Smit
Jun 14, 2020

Sometimes it is nice to have a transcript of a YouTube video. Because it is easier or faster to read than to listen. Especially for English speaking video’s it is not that hard.

EDIT: I made a script for this task!

I have my YouTube in Dutch, but the locations of where to click will be the same

Open the Youtube video you want to transcribe. Click on the three dots in the right bottom corner
Open transcript
Disable the time stamps
Select the first words. Hold the shift key. Go with the little scrollbar to the bottom and select the last word. Press CTRL-C
Go to Paste the text (CTRL-V). Proofread, add paragraphs and correct the interpuntction and you are done :)

You can also the Live Transcription app of Google with ashtonishing results!

You can also use the Google App for transcription:



Rene Smit

Tourism, coaching & yoga teacher. Python. Minimalist. Vegan. Connect, reflect & serve