How to be on part-time retirement with a minimum wage job

Rene Smit
2 min readAug 24, 2022

There was an article in the Netherlands with people working only a part of the year and it was called part-time retirement. The thing with the article is that they only showed people with good income jobs and that helps definitely to do so.

Well, I do it with a salary slightly above minimum wage. The secrets? Not paying rent, non attachment to things and budgeting.

Living on a tropical island for 5 months is also possible with a minimum wage job

I realize it’s not for everybody. You must have a good health, preferably without kids and above all: not being attached to security. Freedom is definitely one of my core values, and you know what they say: If you know your values, all decisions become easy.

The secrets

The secret for not paying rent is working in tourism so they give you an accommodation. I work for a touroperator (they are still looking for people for this and next year, don’t forget to mention my name ;)), but there are plenty of other options in this branche.

The second secret is no attachment to things. I don’t have a car and don’t spend a lot of money for clothes and other expensive stuff.

The last but very important secret is budgeting. I wrote a separate article about it: How to travel for less than 20 dollars a day

We want to see the numbers!

Here is a breakdown of the income and expenses over a year in which I work 6 months, spend 5 months in Asia (1 month with parents/friends in the Netherlands) (everything in Euros).

With the crazy times behind it’s difficult to give you the real numbers, but this estimation comes very close. I even can save around 1000–1200 euro per year.

I made an interactive calculator that you can find HERE

With the prices of living in Asia, it’s also possible to work parttime on an online job and spend most of times there. But that needs a skill, the ability to sell yourself to future employers or clients and above all discipline !

I hope I gave you a useful insight how to have a part-time retirement before you are old. As said, not for everybody but if this lifestyle matches your values, GO FOR IT!



Rene Smit

Tourism, coaching & yoga teacher. Python. Minimalist. Vegan. Connect, reflect & serve